Saturday, April 22, 2006

How personalization can help your affiliate make more sales for you

Personalization techniques can help target and increase prospects' response levels, create customer loyalty, and improve relationships with profitable customers. Success will come from personalizing the web, as well as leveraging personalization techniques throughout all customer channels.

So you want to personalize your web communications to improve your online advertising, marketing, sales, or customer service?

Have you ever wondered why most affiliates who promote products don't make a living at what they're doing? If you think about it, the answer is quite simple. There is no real training from someone who has done it before them.

Here is what you really need to do to become a super-affiliate.

Find the right program to promote. Just because you make 50-75% commission on a sale doesn't mean the product is worth selling. Find a product or service to promote that actually gives your customer their money's worth and more. If you don't think it's an amazing deal, how will your customer?

Learn from someone who has made a comfortable living from affiliate sales to show you the ropes. If they haven't been a successful affiliate of a program, how can they show you how to do it? If they don't know the steps they need to take, then they can't tell you the steps either. The best people to learn from are the Super-Affiliates. They have been there and done that and know exactly what needs to be done.

Keep your cost to a minimum. You don't need all those bells and whistles to make money being an affiliate. Keep it simple. Do you know there is an affiliate program out there that can make you money even if you don't have a website, an email list, or product of your own right now? That's hard to believe, isn't it? But it's true!

How many levels are you getting paid for with your affiliate program? Do your affiliate programs have ways to make money on the front end, a higher upsell, and a way to make money on back-end sales? If not, then you are losing a lot of money that should be yours to keep. Money the program promoter is making and not sharing with you. If that's the case, then find another product or service to promote because you are losing the biggest part of your commission.

Does your affiliate program make you sales on auto-pilot once it is set-up? This is very important as you don't want to waste your time doing the same thing over and over again to make sales. Do you have access to your own proprietary affiliate tools provided by the promoter of your product and if so, does he provide them for free? If not, again look elsewhere for a product to promote.

You'll be able to tell if a product promoter is in it just for the money for himself or whether he is in it for your benefit too. If he is trying to charge you for every little thing, doesn't offer you intense, in-depth detailed training at least at minimal cost, if not free, then more than likely, he is after your money whether you make a penny or not.

Find someone who has been successful at affiliate sales and has made a living at it to learn their techniques and to model. Find a great product that you are enthused about and find someone that wants to help YOU and is not just in it for themselves.

The days of competing on price have created an environment where nearly everything on the Web, from computers to cosmetics, has become commercialized. Merchants can no longer afford to lower prices any further to make the sale. This tells us that price is not one of the top three factors in creating customer loyalty. Personalization is one of the factors that makes a customer feel at home in your store. The larger your inventory, the truer this is.

Your competitors are only a click away, desperately offering discounts, promotions for other companies, and loyalty points. All in a bid to avoid being road kill on the information superhighway. You need to include personalization in your arsenal of weapons to make your site stand apart and your products irresistible.

About the author:

Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at

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Friday, April 21, 2006

How personalization can boost your sales

How can personalization boost your sales? Personalization is slowly but surely becoming one of the most effective marketing methods on the Internet today. Are you using personalization yet? If not, your profits are sure to suffer soon.

With the recent changes in consumer shopping habits, many companies are adopting sales and marketing strategies that reflect a more personalized approach to servicing their customers.

Why is personalization the latest trend today? Because, similar to traditional retailing, it establishes customer loyalty, which leads to repeat visitors and ultimately, to higher profits. In fact, several studies have shown that Web sites providing personalization are five times more likely to attract repeat visitors than non-customized sites.

A customized approach allows you to get to know your customers in the impersonal online atmosphere and to tailor your offerings to them. It can utilize direct input from the customer, or it can be done without the customer even realizing what's happening.

Here are priceless ways to easily double your sales and profits through the use of personalization:

Personalize the end of your ezine with your subscribers e-mail addresses. If you list the address they're subscribed, as near the remove instructions, it will minimize the number of heated e-mails you receive from frustrated subscribers trying to remove themselves from your list.

Using the names of your subscribers will make your ezine more appealing and more likely to be read first. The subscriber will be impressed that their name is used in the middle of your sales copy. They will have more personal interest in what you are saying. Readers feel like you're talking directly to them and will look forward to your ezine. It is a whole new experience at that point because you are talking to them individually.

Personalize your autoresponder follow-up messages when possible to ensure that your message gets noticed. You think it doesn’t matter? Here’s an example: Picture two separate e-mail messages. One has "Dear Internet marketer" as the opening line. The other has "Dear Mary." Which of those do you think will get trashed? And which do you think will be read?

Use Javascript to enhance your e-commerce website with personalization capabilities. Have you seen the pop-up name boxes used on some websites? That's the Webmaster's clever plan to hold your attention longer by peppering your name throughout their website sales message.

Personalize e-mail messages to webmasters, link partners, and anyone else you communicate with by e-mail. By using their name in the greeting and throughout the message, you'll keep their attention much longer. They'll know that your message was truly intended for them. It also shows that you pay attention to what they have to say and that you recognize them as an important person.

Don't call someone by a nickname unless they first give you permission to do so. Stay safe and call people by their full names unless they ask otherwise.

When using names, email addresses, street addresses, or whatever kind of personalization you decide on be sure to spell it right. You're defeating the purpose of this strong, money-making marketing tool when you address me, (Ms. Major), as "Mr. Majors." Not only that, it's downright tacky. It shows people that you couldn't care less about them or their name, as long as you're making your money!

So, sit up and pay attention. It only takes a few seconds to check to make sure you're getting it right. If you don't have that time, you should think about finding another profession. One that doesn’t require any person-to-person interaction.

When using personalization, don't overdo it. If a reader finds their name throughout your ezine in every other sentence, it becomes unnatural and annoying. Use personalization sparingly, and just enough to be effective. Overuse is worse than not using it at all.

Planning is important when dealing with personalization on the Web. Just as you wouldn't want to waste a retail customer's time with irrelevant products and services, you won't want to waste online viewers' time with time-consuming and ineffective personalization features and functions.

Remember, successful entrepreneurs are very busy people with itchy click fingers! Follow the eight profit-generating personalization tips above to avoid having your e-mail fall victim to the skim or delete bug.

About the author:

Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

How to create and run an ezine for profit - Part 3

<p>We all know that ezines are not just about sending thousands of email every
week to keep and attract new customers. It is also about offering insightful and
practical content. If you only talk about how great your services and products
are, surely your readers won’t stick around for long.<br>
But the main concept of an ezine in the first place is to assist you in your
advertising needs. You have the right to toot your own horn in your ezine as
long as you don't drown out the useful content in your ezine.<br>
So here are some notes that you should remember so that you won’t be making
fatal mistakes in your ezine.<br>
It is true that sometimes in life there is a thin line between failure and
success. The same thing also applies with this industry. Some details that we
feel are unimportant are the ones that are keys to our success or failure.<br>
First thing to look at is the FROM field of the ezines. Although many of us
would think that this is just merely a detail, it is the first thing the user
will see - who is sending the email and if they can be trusted. <br>
Use either your online name or the name of your business. Avoid any kind of
phrase or sentences in that field because it will cost you a lot. And avoid
putting ads in your FROM field.<br>
The subject line is the second most important thing in the email. Avoid putting
hyphens or other marks that will highlight your subject.<br>
For example don’t put something like this: “Earn a Million in a Week”. People
are smarter that you think. These kinds of things are never believable.<br>
Emphasize more on the purpose of your newsletter. And do not use more than 7
words in your subject line.<br>
Never ask for a purchase in the first mailing. A study shows that most
subscribers give their trust to you after 8 to 10 mailings. This is a common
mistake that most ezines publishers make; they have sales pitches in the first
Don't ever use Death Words; these are words that are banned by spam filters.
Don’t use words such as &quot;free,&quot; &quot;make money,&quot; &quot;hello,&quot; &quot;your family,&quot; and other
such words. Your ezines will probably go directly to the junk mail folder and be
deleted immediately. <br>
Avoid too much personalization. Even though personalization is a must to be able
to form a familiarity between you and your customers, over doing this may cause
havoc in your ezine business.<br>
Use more verbs than adjectives. You may come to think, what the heck do my
readers care about if I am using more verbs that adjectives. You may think that
they are not there to count your verbs and adjectives but to read your content.<br>
The most successful and best internet marketers have proven that verbs are much
more influential than adjectives. This can be seen by the use of “call to
action” verbs which are so strong that they can increase the response rate up to
700%. <br>
For example, use the verbs “boost” and “explode” rather than the word increase.
See the difference?<br>
I know that until now you are still thinking what a good ezine is or how can you
have the best ezine. Even I myself did not know the answer to this question.
Nowadays, many of us are into the ezine business to make profits and not to
disseminate factual and good information to help other people.<br>
With hundreds and thousands of ezines available on the market today, making your
mark in the industry is a very hard thing to do. When creating your ezines, make
sure to do it in a unique and different way; do not go through some of the
“being good” rules. Instead, make your own.<br>
In this way you can be unique and new; make them know that you are here to make
a difference. Mark your ezine with confidence and knowledge not with
profitability and unreliable content.<br>
Make your ezine a resource, not spam; make it knowledgeable so that other people
can learn from it. <br>
Always remember this: A good ezine is something that brings in profit, but does
not put at risk the wants of the readers. Your ezine is something that you
create so that it can be read by millions of people around the globe, so before
clicking that send button, think about this first: Does this ezine makes a
difference and can this ezine help me and other people as well?<br>
About the author:</p>
<p>Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He
is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner.
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

How to create and run an ezine for profit - Part 2

Many of you, especially beginners at online-based businesses, might think, "How can a simple newsletter sent by e-mail generate profit?" Well, over the years, this industry has been proven to be both profitable not just in sales but also in advertisement.

So how do you advertise in your ezines to boost your sales? First thing to do is to get the buyers' attention. Ask relevant questions and empathize with your readers. Also make sure to be direct and to the point as glittery words are not needed nor required.

Second, put up a need and demonstrate how your product will fill that need. When discussing this, always make sure that you have proof to back up your statements. Also, address your buyers' most common complaints.

Show how they will be able to benefit from your product or chosen service. Prove how your product differs from your competition. A user testimonial is a good way to show this and if you can offer a guarantee, then show it to them.

Use the psychology of “fear of loss,” showing that if the prospect won’t act now, he/she will miss out. Having a time limit or a limit on the availability of the product itself can make your prospects scamper for your products.

Make them an offer they can not refuse. Even the most intelligent buyer who has looked over your products needs a little bit of convincing, even though they know that your products or services are great.

Don't overlook how powerful this tactic can be. This kind of special promotion can make a great profit from your ezines, so don’t forget to state them in your ezine.

Also make it easy for readers to respond to your ads. Have multiple ways for your prospects to respond to your offer like toll-free phones, websites, emails, postal mail, etc., and make the process simple and quick. Always keep in mind that this is not a survey question but an inquiry page so make it direct and user-friendly.

Lower your price, but still make it profitable. This kind of strategy is a must and a profit gainer for professional services such as coaches or trainers. This is a must if you are just starting out, as a low price means more subscribers and more chances of getting your ads exposed to the buying public.

Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself or your own services. If your main purpose in your ezines is to make your readers' lives enriching and well-relaxed, then thank their lucky stars, there are still people like you.

But now, enough of the good deeds. First, try to focus on yourself, so make at least 20% of your ezine space for your own ads.

Give out promos and discounts for your services, ebooks, workshops, etc. Also present your raving testimonials and documentaries in your ezine ads. Entwine some business success stories in your articles or tips.

Share something different and personal that will radiate warmth with your readers and make them feel closer to you.

Submit your ezines to ezine directories. Surely, you might subscribe a thousand ezine subscribers, but a thousand is only a miniscule proportion of the total internet population. Submitting to directories is a good way of gaining more exposure.

Swapping is also a very effective way to gain exposure for your ezine. This works just like reciprocal linking, but in this way, you are not just getting free exposure, you are also providing your readers with good and reliable resources.

You can also subscribe to other ezines and website announcement lists. This can bring you a steady flow of new subscribers that can lead to higher profit raises.

Joining discussion groups is also a good way to establish your business as trustworthy and reliable. As more people know you, they will more often than not, subscribe to your ezine.

You can also join PopUnder groups; these are groups of fellow publishers listed in one pop under window together with some lists of articles. This is a very good way of gaining more subscribers because when other people visit the site, they will see you listed with other publishers, reinforcing your reputation as a legit business establishment.

Always keep in mind that ezines will not always make money for you, but even though you aren't making a profit, there are still some other sides of marketing that ezines can help a lot. Ezines may be delivering more benefits that are not as obvious to you.

Your ezine is helping you establish a credible identity on the internet. It gives you massive online exposure and you are gaining further credibility with your current clients and customers.

Ezines also force you to package your knowledge into articles and tips which can you later use for other marketing reasons.

About the author:

Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at

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University Life: a course in personal finance

Richard Green

Recent findings from the Educational Policy Institute indicated that the UK is the third most expensive place in the world to go to university. Combine this with figures from the Prudential, showing that a third of university students have considered abandoning their studies due to the financial strain they have encountered, and it is not surprising that many prospective students are finding the need to seriously think through the merits of going to University.

Whilst it is true that there are currently loans available from both the government and from banks that are designed to see students through their period of studies, for many this will mean emerging into their adult life with mountains of debt. Barclays Bank has stated it believes that once top-up fees are introduced it will cost about £33,000 to put a child through university in England and Wales. At a time when the number of students has greatly increased and the number of high paid graduate= careers appears to have diminished, students now have to factor in the cost of living when making the important decision of where to study. In an article by the Scotland On Sunday ( ), the experiences of a university student from Glasgow show that the question of finance already weighs heavy for some students in their choices of where, or even if, they can study. Moving out of the parental home to take full advantage of university life may become less of an option for students as costs increase and financial assistance decreases.

The president of the National Union of Students in Scotland, Melanie Ward, said: "I think most students underestimate the amount of debt they will leave university with, which will be above £13,000."

With graduates needing to earn £22,000 a year in order to pay off anything more than just the interest on their= student loans, many people are in their 30s or even 40s before their debt is fully cleared.

Graduates are also finding that they have to make tough decisions as soon as they complete their courses. With banks, building societies, credit card companies, and other private sector lenders requiring the sums borrowed to be repaid. The immediate question of, "Do I build on the knowledge, work experience and internships, that I've had over the last few years and pursue my dream career, or does the chasing of the perfect job I've been working towards for years, have to take second place to getting back into the black?", is now an all too intrusive reality for many.

Some students are finding it so difficult to make ends meet that they are trying to seek alternative means of resolving their debt. ( has shown that that the number of students declaring themselves bankrupt tripled in 2004.= Another method of reducing graduate debt is getting the loans written off through undergraduate bursary programmes by the military or teacher training, in return for agreeing to a placement period following graduation. There are however some potentially serious drawbacks to both types of schemes. These include possible damage to future career prospects or compulsory placement period in a career which the graduate does not want to proceed with long-term.

All is not doom and gloom however, with university authorities and the Students' Union offering advice at college, and after graduation. Public sector organisations like the Citizens Advice Bureau ( )can provide advice if real difficulties occur. Speaking directly to your lenders can often resolve problems. Switching between loans and credit cards is a good way to help reduce interest payments. Financial websites like Moneynet ( ) can provide a useful source of information by enabling students and graduates to see which loan or credit card provider is currently offering the best deal and 0% introductory rate.

It seems budgeting and hard decisions are required by all potential students these days, with a degree in personal finance a desirable pre-requisite before starting actual studies.

About the Author

Richard works in Edinburgh for a media company, occasionally writing for the personal finance blog Cashzilla, and drinking too much coffee.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

How to create and run an ezine for profit - Part 1

Before delving into the money matters of ezines, I would like to first discuss what ezines are. This is for the benefit of those people who do not have a full understanding of what ezines are.

Maybe it shouldn’t come as a big surprise, but most people on the internet and some self-possessed ezine distributors do not know what the word EZINE really means.

Ezines are electronic publications distributed by email or posted on a website. Ezines are typically focused on a certain subject matter. Ezines are just like your typical magazine format of monthly or weekly topical publications in an electronic format.

The title EZINE does not come from the phrase Electronic Magazine, cause you might be thinking that the E in electronic and the Zine in magazine are joined to form this word.

Actually Ezine came from the word FanZine which was a publication with a small subscriber base back then. FanZines were targeted publications that were usually geared towards specific topics like Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Football clubs.

Those printed publications were called 'FanZines', but were frequently referred to as 'Zines' instead.

Back to modern days, most Ezines are focused around specific topics and interest groups, just like the way the Zines once were.

Adding an ‘E’ onto the beginning of the much coveted publication name “Zines” brings us to the word Ezines. This offers a much more logical explanation of where the word "ezines" came from.

Now that we know what ezines are, lets now discuss the basics of creating and doing business with ezines.

Ezine publishing is a very important factor towards a business' success for many reasons. Basically, it keeps you in contact with your potential customers. The relationship between your clients is formed and that is what is needed for trust and respect.

You can also profit by selling advertisements through your own ezine publication. Ezines can be used both as an advertising platform for your business as well as an income-generating endeavor.

When starting out with your ezine publication, keep in mind the basic and most important elements of a good ezine.

1. Keep your ezines clean, short, and full. Don’t add too many unrelated decorations or pictures to your ezines. Ezine page decoration sometimes makes it hard for readers to read your content.

People are more drawn to reading short ezines than those long ones that keep on making discussions that go on and on.

2. Minimal advertisement is a must. It is a good point that publishers must advertise in their ezines, but always keep it to a reasonable number of about seven or less, depending on the length of your ezines.

3. Make it personal. When creating your ezines, add your personality to it. Talk to your subscribers. Make it warm and inviting. Let them get into you as you get to know them better.

4. Put in some interactivity. Make your ezines fun as we can all use a bit of fun. Put a form in there, some survey questions, a bit of trivia, and other forms of interaction.

5. Put in quality content. If your ezines talk about something that deals with paper crafts, then make sure it provides information about how to make paper crafts. Tips, articles, links, resources, products, tools, news, etc. - these are all the things you can and should give your readers.

6. Be on time and consistent. If you posted that you will be sending out ezines once a week every Monday, then do it that way. If ever something happens that is beyond your control that might prevent this, just explain to your subscribers in your next release and they will surely understand.

7. Make it a priority to have original content. If you are not sure about articles, then just write editorials or short scripts with news updates, interesting tips, and product reviews.

8. Always proofread your content. You don’t want your ezine to look like a 10-year old child has done it.

But most importantly, Enjoy your ezine, have fun with it, be yourself, and wonderful things will start to happen. At least they did for so many success stories - they met great new people and their businesses flourished. This can all happen for you as well with your very own quality ezine!

About the author:

Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at

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Monday, April 17, 2006

Using the internet to manage your family's finance


The effectiveness of managing family finances has never been more significant, as parents struggle to find a balance between work and family life. A recent study by Mother and Baby magazine has found that new parents are getting less sleep than previous generations, with new mums struggling to manage their exhaustion.

Whilst there is no technological solution to sleepless nights as yet, it is possible to assign many tasks which were once only possible through physical movement, to the internet, such as shopping and banking. No longer do you have to worry about co-ordinating the demands of screaming children with your weekly shopping list or about missing the bank at 5:01pm. Whatever issues you may face with your child, there are plenty of websites collating advice from parents around the world, such as and

There are websites such as offering financial advice and support, and financial comparison sites such as, which ensure that parents can always find the best deal for their finances, including credit cards, loans, mortgage, life insurance, house insurance, car insurance and the children's savings accounts. Many personal finance sites including moneynet also offer "account aggregation" tools, which allow parents (and non parents!) to manage all of their finances online, including current accounts, savings accounts, loans and credit cards. If you think your household bills are too high, can provide you with a comparison of providers for gas & electricity, water and household communications.

And= if that all seems a little too practical, take some time out for a little light relief with This website offers a wealth of information about how to extract useful information from the internet, as well as providing more random suggestions such as the science of online games, "design a structure of copper coins" and even the world's most calorific sandwich.

About Rachel: Rachel writes for the personal finance blog Cashzilla: Cashzilla is a personalfinanosaurus. "Rachel" means sheep in Hebrew: "little lamb" or "one with purity". Cashzilla means financially savvy with great fiery ferocity.

Getting more money from free ebooks

Do you know the secret to making money with affiliate marketing?

Many smart affiliate marketers earn revenue by creating free special reports or ebooks that discuss a specific topic. These guides contain links to high-paying affiliate products. So whenever someone reads a free ebook and purchases a product from an affiliate link, the marketer earns a sales commission.

But what if you do not know how to find a topic for your free ebook?

If this is the case, here is a tutorial that will help you get started with your free money-making ebook.

As you probably know, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to generate revenue from an Internet business. Unfortunately, it is hard to get people to purchase from an affiliate link. Many times, they go to your website and check out your information. Then most of them leave without purchasing products through an affiliate link.

The problem is you do not have the time to explain to them the value of the products you are recommending.

The solution is you can create a guide that discusses a hot topic related to your product. In this report, you discuss the topic and then provide a solution to the major problem that your readers are experiencing. Obviously the affiliate product will be the solution to their problems.

How do you write one of these special reports?

In truth, it is very easy to write a 5-15 page special report that is in high demand by readers, while having potential for a high affiliate income.

Look for a topic.

One of the best ways to discover a good topic is to explore forums that cater to your niche or product. Then read up on topics that people have posted. Many people will post comments on forums looking for answers to particular problems. All you need to do is find a topic where you can easily create at least five pages of content.

Try being part of a forum group. This way, you not only participate in the discussions, but you also can ask for referrals or people who may be in need of what you are offering.

Find a related affiliate product.

Most of the time, somebody has already created a product that provides a solution to the problem that people are having. All you have to do is look for this product and become an affiliate. The best part is most affiliate programs have marketing material that you can use to help create your content.

After looking at the forum and support material, you can easily create your special report. It can also serve as a comparison source. Since you only want to get the best results from what you are offering, you may want to see what others have done and the feedback of those who have used them.

In this free ebook, you will discuss the topic in general terms. You will talk about the problem and ways they can find the solution. Your content will focus on the pain they are experiencing from this problem.

Then mention the solution to their problem: your affiliate product. In your special report, you want to provide useful information while gently persuading the reader to check out your affiliate link.

The key is to talk about the benefits of using the product without being too pushy or making obvious sales talk. Just make sure that you mention enough to make the readers want to read more about you and visit your site.

Most affiliate products have a sales page, so you can leave the convincing part to the referral site. As long as you do a good job pre-selling your readers on that particular product, they will arrive at the site ready to buy.

Free ebooks or special reports are a great way to earn long-term affiliate income because they can be easily distributed and provide quality value to the reader. As long as you focus on creating good content for your reader, you will see your affiliate revenue increase.

Not all things that are offered free of charge are useless. Sometimes they can also serve as your path to success. You just have to know how to make it so.

About the author:

Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Four ways to create a stable online income you can count on

If you own your own website, there are a variety of things you can do to generate extra income for yourself. To enjoy the most success from your efforts, you must take into consideration your existing website content, as well as your particular target audience. You will also want to know the approximate number of visitors you regularly receive to your website.

Once you have this information, you can implement any of the following:

1. Use the web resources

Include Google Adsense on your web pages. Google delivers text and image ads that are targeted to your site and its content. When people click on an ad, you will receive a portion of the amount paid to Google by the advertiser. On average, you can expect to receive anywhere between 2 cents to a dollar per click, depending on the keyword.

Make money selling other people's products and services through affiliate programs. Each program you register for should provide you with an affiliate link to track your referrals. Depending on the program, you will normally be paid on a per sale basis or for each sign-up you generate.

Sell advertising space on your web site. You could sell banner and/or classified ads. If you want to make additional money, sell sponsor ads and place them in a special section or towards the top of your website for the most exposure.

2. Membership services

If you have enough web space available on your server, you could rent web pages to other people. You could also give the web pages away for free, but include your banner or advertisement on them to generate income for yourself.

Charge people a fee to access a dedicated part of your website. People will pay you money for your website content if it's valuable to them. The content can be ebooks, reports, software, etc.

3. Sell your own products or services.

They should be related to your target audience. Selling your own product is your preference. Think of ways to improve them once you have made up your mind investing in them. Make your reader visualize they have already bought your product in your ad. Tell them what results they have gotten and how it makes them feel. They'll already be emotionally attached before they buy. Products sold online make the most money. You have to make sure you have a decent sales marketing plan, which includes a good website to sell the products. Turn your ad into an article. It could be a story or how-to article.

This will lead them into your ad without them knowing it's an ad. They'll already be interested when they get to your sales pitch. Give them a couple tips in your ad that will help them with their problem. This will give your business credibility and gain your readers trust to buy your products or services. You can count on them as long as you maintain your integrity and have a good healthy environment for you and your customers.

You will also want the ability to securely accept credit card payments directly from your website. Other forms of payment such as PayPal, ClickBank, etc. are also preferred. Delivery of your product should be as fast and efficient as possible.

4. Publish an e-zine from your website.

An electronic magazine, whether delivered via a Web site or an email newsletter is highly recommended. Ezines can inform your prospects to buy your products, In addition to direct sales of products or services you are promoting, you could sell classified or sponsor advertising inside your e-zine.

You can have your own mailing list to have a good number of prospects. From your website, you have to give them the option of subscribing to your ezine mailing list, which you can do easily. Have people subscribe to the e-zine right from your website.

Each of these ideas will generate income, but if you are a new website owner, I recommend starting with Google Adsense. These ads continue to grow in popularity and are easy to customize and install on your webpages–simply copy and paste a block of HTML.

For new internet home business entrepreneurs, in addition to Google Ads, you should also consider affiliate programs. Most affiliate programs are free to join and usually offer marketing tools and resources that are readily available for your use.

About the author:

Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at

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