Thursday, May 25, 2006

Planning for Time Management

When it comes to time management you have to carefully plan your activities to make the best use of your time. It may seem ironic, but you need to set time to plan for saving time. With careful planning, your time management will be successful.

Educational facilities, workforces, business owners, and teachers are just some of the members of society who value the importance of careful time management. Students are often bogged down with heavy class schedules and often have a hard time relaxing.

Stress, anxiety, and other anxiety related disorders are a common result from improper or neglected time management. Time management is necessary not only to perform our jobs but also to complete our goals with our optimum level and performance.

You will need to plan for time management by taking steps to make sure that your goals are being met, to set your daily goals and To Do lists, to prevent “time wasters”, and to prevent interruptions and distractions.

By planning for your goals and time management you are essentially planning and preparing to be a success. It isn’t enough to just plan and prepare mentally, you must also write down your dreams, goals, and aspirations.

When you write down your goals, something significant happens. You have created a record of what you plan to achieve. It is much easier to reach your goals and to manage your time wisely when you have your plan written down on paper.

Preparing your goal list can be a fun activity. It helps to use your imagination and first brainstorm all of the ideas that you have for your future. Take the limits off and create a “dream” list. Ask yourself what would you like to do if you had unlimited resources.

You would be amazed that after you list your dreams down, that many of them are more attainable then you may have first imagined. The only possible way you have of ever living your dreams is to make a plan to manage your time to achieve them.

After writing down your dreams, then you will need to make a plan of which steps you need to take to realistically achieve them. Of course, some dreams may not be grounded in reality and are pure fantasy and you will have to put those off to the side.

Take a good look and list the dreams and goals that you have that you can achieve and categorize them as long term and short-term goals. Now you will need to make your plan for yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals.

By working from each category list every day, you will find that your goal list will be completed, and that you will continuously add new goals to your list. This is the most effective way to manage your goals in a timely fashion.

You should plan to make a daily “To Do” list, (preferably the night before) that contains some goals from your other categories (yearly, monthly, and weekly). Check off your goals as you complete them, and reward yourself as well.

Now that you have set your goals and have created your daily “To Do” list, it is important that you identify potential distractions and time wasters and work to remove them so that you can meet your daily aspirations with success.

Look for some ways that you are being distracted from your work. Unexpected visitors and telephone calls, emergencies, watching television, inability to focus, children, and spouses are some common distractions.

You will need to plan ahead of time to make sure that you have removed these distractions before they can strike. There is not much you can do for emergencies except work around them, however there are other preventive measures for other distractions.

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that if someone is working from home that they aren’t really working. They think that they are the perfect person to call when they need a babysitter, a ride to the store, or just feeling friendly and want someone to talk with.

You can try hanging up a “Do Not Disturb” or “Work in Progress” signs on your front door. Hopefully, that will deter your visitors. If you have someone persistently knocking or ringing the doorbell, you may want to ignore it. They will get the point and leave.

Try not to read the news or watch television shows during work hours. Plan ahead for a set time when you will watch television or browse the Internet. This can be a very effective way to remain focused on your work and to manage your time wisely.

By planning ahead of time for distractions you can avoid these unpleasant annoyances and make the best use of your time.

About the author::

Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at

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